Items needed for workshop
- Breadboard, Jumper wires, LED's, Resistors
- Laptop - Windows or Linux.
- ATmega328P Target Board by Microrusty
Install the following programs
- 1. AVRdude.exe https://www.nongnu.org/avrdude/
- 2. Arduino IDE 1.8.1 https://www.arduino.cc/
- 3. Ensure the correct Drivers are installed for your programmer.
Refer to setup procedures documentation Set Up Procedures For Workshops
All examples used in this workshop are shown using the USBtiny ISP Programmer.
- 1 Set Up Procedures For Workshops
- 2 Explore the ATmega328p Target Bd Microrusty
- 3 AVR-Programmers
- 4 AVR-Atmega328P
- 5 Discussion AVRdude
- 6 Discussion ATmega328P Fuse settings
- 7 Programming ATmega328P Target Bd
- 8 Programming AVR Assembly language
- 9 Programming Flash - EEPROM memory
- 10 Adding Console Port using RS232
- 11 ATmega328p Target Bd Microrusty
- 12 Main Page